Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3
The Conference / Exhibition remains open.
Amber or Red Rainstorm Warning Signal
The Conference / Exhibition remains open.
Typhoon Signal No. 8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal
a. Prior to Opening Hours
If a Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement, Typhoon Signal No.8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is in force at or after 7:00am on the Conference / Exhibition day, the Conference / Exhibition will be closed for the morning session (9:00am-1:30pm).
If the Typhoon Signal is cancelled or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is lowered at or before 12:00 noon, all activities in the afternoon (1:30pm-6:00pm) will be resumed as scheduled in the programme.
The Conference / Exhibition will remain closed if the Typhoon Signal No.8 or Black Rainstorm warning signal is cancelled / lowered after 12:00 noon.
b. During Opening Hours
If a Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement is issued during opening hours, the Conference / Exhibition will be closed in 2 hours. Delegates / Exhibitors and visitors will be requested to leave the Conference / Exhibition.
If Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is announced during opening hours, the Conference / Exhibition will remain opened. Delegates / Exhibitors and visitors will be encouraged to stay in the venue for their own safety.
New delegates / visitors will still be registered and admitted after Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued.
The Organisers will make announcement at the venue to inform delegates / exhibitors and visitors of the arrangement.